Bitcoin Cash (BCH) continues to reinstate that there is only one Bitcoin and that it is they. While many things have changed over years, their theory concerning their superiority prophecy in the Bitcoin space has not changed. And, big things are indeed happening in their space. They seem to be living their theory and hard-selling, and they are doing a lot to market the idea of Bitcoin Cash as being real and the best money in the world.
Roger Ver recently tweeted: “Savings is the primary function of money, but if you can’t spend it, there is no reason to save it.”
There were a lot of confused investors who were confused about the statement wondering if they are discussing divesting, negative interest rates, cashing out, burning cash, losing, bankruptcy, and a range of other stuff.
Several investors were perplexed and were wondering about what might be the term that can be used for the process of saving lots of Bitcoin Cash. Many of them told that they sold it during the first split.
A candid criticism read like: “Roger Ver has saved a bunch of Bcash, if you see that Bcash is still at the top of coinmarketcap is because they don’t have many people to sell that crap.”
Sydney Ifergan, the crypto expert, tweeted: “Opinions Differ. However, Bitcoin Cash (BCH) facilitates the idea of sending money globally for pennies. Any service that is available for pennies is indeed interesting.”
Somebody else were trying to get back to the basics stating that the primary functions of money are to serve as a medium of exchange, store of value, and unit of account. Further, it is a medium of exchange, but to be a medium of exchange, it must hold value over time. Money must be predictably usable as a medium of exchange when ‘savings’ are spent.
Many did not understand what the statement had to do with crypto derivatives vis-a-vis fiat currency.
Bitcoin Cash (BCH) Adds to Value
Someone translated the concept of value in simple terms by stating that if there is a lot of demand and if it is accepted in the market, it adds to the value. It was further clarified that if there is no demand, and no one is accepting it in the market, there is no value for it.
Yet other clarifications read like if someone had money, they need to invest it rather than putting their savings in money. While reinstating that money is only a means of exchange for everyday life.
While the community were hard trying to decipher the Roger Ver Theory, someone reinvented the wheel by stating that it is easier and quicker to transact using BCH than with BTC.