French Programmer Sent Bitcoin Donations to Far-Right Activists Who Participated in the US Capitol Riots

French Programmer Sent Bitcoin Donations to Far-Right Activists Who Participated in the US Capitol Riots

A crypto-forensic analysis shows that a French donor sent Bitcoin (BTC) worth over $ 500,000 to right-wing activists in the United States. The half a million dollars went to the groups that participated in the pro-Trump riots in the U.S. Capitol.

Alt-right personalities and websites are included in the recipient list

According to Chainalysis, the unnamed donor sent 28.15 BTC (worth $ 522,000 at the time of transfer) to 22 separate addresses in a single transaction on December 6, 2020. According to the report, many of these wallets are owned by personalities associated with far-right activists in the United States

Yahoo News stated that Vdare (anti-immigration organization), the Daily Stormer (right website) and Nick Fuentes were among the recipients of crypto donations. Alt-right streamer Ethan Ralph is also on the list that Chainalysis published regarding the half a million dollar donation.

The blockchain analytics firm made it clear that there is still no evidence of Fuentes’ participation in the riots at the Capitol. However, it cited earlier statements from him calling on people to protest against Congress confirming Joe Biden’s victory.

However, Chainalysis went on to emphasize that a BTC donation worth over $ 250,000 sent on December 8, 2020 is by far the largest crypto donation Fuentes has ever received.

The donor may have committed suicide after initiating the BTC payments

Regarding the identity of the French donor, there is information that the wallet that was used to arrange the payments has been active since 2013. The blockchain analytics firm suggests he could be a “relatively early adopter of Bitcoin, whose holdings have grown significantly in value”.

One of the BTC addresses associated with the donor’s wallet is registered with Nameid – a service that allows users to link their online identity to their BTC address.

Chainalysis discovered that the crypto donor was a French computer programmer after searching his email address. After sending the donations, he posted a suicide note on a personal blog. The report detailing the motivation behind his donations reads:

He mentions that he left ‘ [his] Happiness for certain causes and certain people ”, and quotes several alt-right speaking points in his analysis of today’s world. For example, he states his belief that western civilization is declining and claims that westerners are being encouraged to hate their ancestors and heritage.

Federal and law enforcement agencies are also investigating the source of funds, according to Yahoo News.

What do you think of the results of the chain analysis? Let us know in the comments below.

Photo credit: Shutterstock, Pixabay, Wiki Commons

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