If Bitcoin doesn’t break record highs right away, it wouldn’t be the worst thing, trader posits

If Bitcoin doesn’t break record highs right away, it wouldn’t be the worst thing, trader posits

Bitcoin (BTC) has rebounded after rising above $ 40,000 and correcting to nearly $ 30,000. However, according to Brian Krogsgard, a trader and podcaster by the name of LedgerStatus on Twitter, it could be good for the asset to stall near $ 42,000 before jumping up.

“Bitcoin’s correction was healthy in a strongly bullish environment, which means the 20-day moving average has been hit again,” Krogsgard told Cointelegraph on Thursday. “With a strong upturn, now is the time to see if we can move up immediately or spend longer on a longer consolidation, which I think would be healthy.”

Bitcoin barely exceeded $ 40,000 on Thursday morning before declining slightly, falling back into the $ 39,000 range at the time of publication, according to TradingView.com data.

Breaking the $ 36,000 mark was a major move for the asset, according to comments from CryptoWendyO, a trader and analyst on Twitter. “Unless we reclaim $ 36,000, I’m not ruling out another decline,” she told Cointelegraph on Jan. 12, before Bitcoin rebounded above levels. The asset recently surged over $ 36,000 with conviction. Bitcoin’s 4-hour price chart is now showing a higher low.

Source: TradingView.com

CryptoWendyO’s updated comment shows that the price is bullish right now. She told Cointelegraph on Thursday:

“Bitcoin has seen an amazing rebound in my ~ $ 34,200 support box after that narrow ~ 25% decline. I am in disbelief, but the fundamentals of 2020/2021 are different from previous Bitcoin history. Currently believe I mean that we will continue to rise and will do so. ” We expect to flip $ 42,000 and start a similar run after seeing a drop from ~ $ 34,200 to ~ $ 28,000 on 1/7/2021 to test ~ $ 48,000. “

In terms of recent price movements, Krogsgard sees a correlation to one of the mainstream market bitcoin products. “It appears that the GBTC’s closure and reopening of deposits had a real impact on demand for coins as the reopening of their market bottomed out,” noted Krogsgard. “I think we will continue to see institutional demand for break-ins.”

GBTC is operated by Grayscale and is essentially the share form of Bitcoin, with each share being backed by a fraction of one Bitcoin. The company postponed BTC trust investments in December and reopened this month.

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