Let Them Eat Cake: Congress Approves a $900 Billion Stimulus Package, Billions in Pork Funds, Federal Employees Get a Raise

Let Them Eat Cake: Congress Approves a 0 Billion Stimulus Package, Billions in Pork Funds, Federal Employees Get a Raise

The United States Congress has approved a $ 900 billion aid package to Covid-19, tied to the government’s $ 2.3 trillion funding plan at the end of the year. Of course, there is talk of Americans getting checks for $ 600, but reports also include discussions of unjustified spending and unlimited pork funds.

$ 600 corresponds to Marie Antoinette’s: “Let her eat cake”

As soon as the mainstream media reported that the U.S. Congress approved a $ 900 billion aid package to Covid-19, Americans began talking about the $ 600 check they might receive. Commenting on politicians was far from pleasant, and on Twitter, the phrase commonly attributed to Marie Antoinette, “let her eat cake”, has been trending in the past 24 hours.

$ 600 corresponds to Marie Antoinette’s statement “Let her eat cake”. Do you remember how that turned out for Marie? I just say ‘.

– Chuckles’ Shrunken Face (@DonkeySnort) December 20, 2020

The $ 900 billion Covid-19 aid package is a whopping 5,593 pages, and Democrats didn’t even want to read the bill, according to Kentucky Representative Thomas Massie (4th District R-KY).

“Reminder: The house has a rule that everyone has 72 hours to read the bills,” tweeted Massie. “Every Democrat in the House has voted to suspend this rule, and that’s why we’re voting tonight on a bill over 5,500 pages that has less than 8 hours to read.”

While Americans received a $ 600 stimulus check, billions of pork funds were approved for the political class, including a 1% pay increase.

Additionally, many Americans were discussing on social media and online forums the enormous amount of pork keg funding put into the recent $ 900 billion program and the total funding plan at the end of the year of $ 2.3 trillion. A “pork” or “pork finance” is when bureaucrats distribute funds to certain government programs and the costs are distributed among taxpayers.

The year-end funding bill also provides $ 284 billion for the Paycheck Protection Program (PPP). Unfortunately, many Americans weren’t happy with the latest PPP distribution because it was for small businesses, but much of the funding was scraped off by large corporations.

Billions for overseas, a 1% pay rise for federal employees, new furniture and missile procurement

The pork approved by US politicians is extremely wasteful and appears to benefit the political class the most. For example, Congress gave itself and all federal employees a 1% raise. Notorious zerohedge.com journalist Tyler Durden published a fantastic collection of a large number of pork keg funds added to the Covid-19 bill.

But the list is much bigger and over the past 24 hours a lot of people have questioned what is called the auxiliary bill.

Let them eat cake: Congress approves $ 900 billion stimulus package, billions in pork funds, federal employees get a raiseMillions of dollars are being allocated to supply the US Senate with new furniture.

The massive Covid-19 package will provide billions for overseas, millions for the Kennedy Center and more. For example, the family members of unauthorized US citizens receive up to $ 1,800. There’s even a new law in the bill that would make illegal streaming a criminal offense. The whopping $ 2.3 trillion package is the largest ever considered by Congress, so large that the 5,593-page bill had to be carried by a 4-wheel dolly.

An estimated $ 3.3 billion goes to Israel ($ 500 million for the Israeli military), $ 453 million to Ukraine, $ 130 million to Nepal, $ 10 million to Pakistan, 1, US $ 3 billion to Egypt, US $ 700 million to Sudan and US $ 135 million to Burma, US $ 85.5 million for Cambodia and US $ 1.4 billion for the Asia Reassurance Initiative Act.

Unfortunately, for so many people in need, the $ 600 stimulus check is the equivalent of Marie Antoinette’s “make them eat cake”. The Congress has no contact with the people. Do you feel me

– Anthony Zagelow (@ziggityzig) December 21, 2020

While the U.S. government has forcibly closed hundreds of thousands of small businesses across the country, the new bill clears $ 89,615,280 for the U.S. Senate to purchase new furniture.

$ 2 billion for Air Force missile procurement, $ 2 billion for the Space Force, and $ 4 billion for the Navy. $ 65 million to restore salmon populations, $ 208 million to upgrade the Census Bureau’s computer systems, $ 35 million to improve police-community relations, $ 710 million to supply Syrians with weapons and training.

The pork in this COVID relief bill is legendary. Have you seen anything like this before? It seems that 60% of the funds go outside of our country.

– 🇺🇸Dr. Lowkey Rey🇺🇸 (@rey_atl) December 21, 2020

It is no coincidence to approve $ 2.3 trillion during the holiday week

Popular Twitter account Oilfield Rando also tweeted about a lot of this unjustified U.S. government spending and made fun of all the pork that was put on the Covid-19 relief bill. “$ 750,000,000 for fossil energy research development? Rando asked on Twitter. “Who will get this?” Rando continued his tirade against the US government, saying:

$ 222,724,000 for the IRS “Business Systems” update. You know the IRS who said they were too poor to investigate super-rich offenders, and so they focused on investigating the middle class.

It is clear and obvious that US bureaucrats included a large amount of pork kegs in the auxiliary bill. But most politicians in America pretend they tried to get the $ 900 billion bailout package through to face economic troubles.

Senator Rand Paul (R-KY) beat up US Congressmen when he addressed them in the Senate on Monday. Essentially, Paul was saying that Republican and Democratic leaders are basically one and the same thing. “For so-called conservatives who quickly recognize Democratic socialism, if you vote for this spending monstrosity, you’re no better,” Paul exclaimed. The Youtube video of Paul’s speech in the Senate also went viral on social media and forums

“If free money was the answer … if money really grew on trees, why not give more free money?” Paul stressed. “Why not give it out all the time? Why stop at $ 600 per person? Why not $ 1,000? Why not $ 2,000? Perhaps these new free money Republicans should join the “Everyone gets a guaranteed income” caucus? Why not $ 20,000 a year for everyone, why not $ 30,000? If we can print money with impunity, why not? “

However, as usual, bureaucrats and their friends will see a financial boost in the coming days. Meanwhile, millions of Americans are also in arrears with rent and the latest legislation only extends the eviction protection program until the end of January.

Kentucky representative Massie said massive bills like this are generally saved specifically for busy vacation weeks. “Bless your heart if you think a bill for more than $ 5,500 trillion happened to be handed over during Christmas week,” tweeted Massie. “If there’s one thing I’ve seen during my time in DC, it’s that Congress is saving its biggest bill for the week of Congress [members] are very careful to go home to their families. “

The US $ 900 billion Covid-19 aid bill was sent to President Donald Trump’s desk and is now waiting for his signature.

What do you think of all of the pork that was added to the Covid-19 relief bill and year-end funding? Let us know what you think on this matter in the comments section below.

Tags in this story

2. Stimulus Check, Another Stimulus Check, Abroad, Let Them Eat Cake, Marie Antoinette, Military Spending, New Furniture, Salary Raise, Paycheck Protection Program (PPP), Pork Fund, Second Stimulus, Second Stimulus Check, Stimulus Check -Date, Stimulus Negotiations, Thomas Massie, Tyler Durden

Photo credit: Shutterstock, Pixabay, Wiki Commons, Twitter,

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