Sushiswap reveals ambitious 2021 roadmap

Sushiswap reveals ambitious 2021 roadmap

After a wild up and down in 2020, in which Sushiswap became the largest decentralized exchange (DEX) through liquidity at two different points, the platform for decentralized finance (DeFi) has published an extremely ambitious project roadmap for 2021.

Key developments ahead include several examples of some of the most complex and advanced features in the DeFi space, including a cross-chain DEX enabled by Rune and Moonbeam, an implementation in the Polkadot chain, and a fully decentralized governance structure in late 2021 .

The post also contained updates on previously announced projects, including a v2 launch called Mirin and a mid-January target date for the launch of BentoBox, an upcoming credit product.

There were also indications of a possible upcoming rebranding. Given the variety and number of products currently on offer and in development, “Sushiswap will move to a new domain in 2021 to better reflect that we are no longer an AMM.”

One development that observers are particularly enthusiastic about is the proposed integration with ArcherDAO. Archer is working with miners from Ethereum to produce more efficient blocks, and the integration will be able to reduce front-running by miners, also known as Miner-Extractable Value (MEV).

Other integrations include the upcoming support of the algorithmic stablecoins FRAX and DSD as well as BAO.

Finally, the blog gave an update on scaling plans, noting that Sushiswap will “operate in sync with the larger Yearn ecosystem” and that rollups without knowledge will likely be the preferred solution.

It’s a long list of goals for a project barely six months old. In an interview with Cointelegraph earlier this week, however, sushi swap chief 0xMaki spoke about the vision of a steadily growing sushi swap community with good incentives.

“I want to keep encouraging people to make their wealth productive. Have them join a DAO. Rewards more developers so they can build what they love. Introduce more people to DeFi and new financial staples. Prominently present new dApps on sushi. Everyone will be a winner in 2021. “

At press time, $ Sushi is up 10% on the day to $ 4.64.

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