Why Big Tech’s Censorship Isn’t Directed Solely at Trump Supporters – Op-Ed Bitcoin News

Why Big Tech’s Censorship Isn’t Directed Solely at Trump Supporters – Op-Ed Bitcoin News

There was a lot of unrest in the US, and just before the presidential election, Big Tech took action and censored large numbers of individuals and even competing social media platforms. In addition, social media apps continued to erase disagreements even after President Biden’s early days in office. On January 22nd, Facebook deleted my social media profile and also a former employee’s account for our libertarian views.

An anti-war libertarian in the free market who speaks out against tyranny and censorship

I have been an activist for many years and years ago Dr. Ron Paul to find libertarianism. At the time, I was a minarchist who believed in minimalist government and constitution. However, after further traveling the rabbit hole reading Larkin Rose, Lysander Spooner, and others, I changed. Six months later, I considered myself an anarcho-capitalist. I created my Facebook account in 2008 and have had a huge following since, long before I started writing about Bitcoin.

Years later, in late 2011 to 2012, I discovered Bitcoin and three years later I decided to write about the technology for a job every day. For over a decade, I had used Facebook to share my libertarian views, connect with others, and also share my bitcoin articles. It was in 2020 when things really started to change on the platform. The censorship was regular and the company had used “fact checkers” to flag alleged “fake media”. Personally, I have never advocated violence, hatred, or anything that is really against community standards.

Long before the Washington DC incident in the first week of January 2020, Big Tech censored many dissenting opinions and certain views on Covid-19. However, after the Capitol Breach, Big Tech has continued to spread the purge, focusing on those who speak out against current fascism.

However, I have regularly stated that the government is an immoral entity based on violence. I wasn’t a Trump fan or a Republican, but I had shown distaste for Joe Biden, Donald Trump, Obama, Bush, and the rest of the presidents. Yes, I kept telling political supporters that by forgetting to be individuals and instead of dragging R&D party lines, they had lost all decency. Many of the posts I had written also called for the economy to be opened up so that people could choose whether to wear a mask or not, and other issues related to the coronavirus and civil liberties.

Big Tech Censorship is not only aimed at Trump supporters, but everyone who supports free thinking and freedom

Then I wrote about the incident in the first week of the year after the Capitol Breach in Washington DC. My editorial was a scathing criticism of Facebook, Twitter, Youtube, Google and Amazon’s decision to censor not just Donald Trump but hundreds of right-wing supporters, conservatives and libertarians. During this time I had also predicted that my Facebook (FB) profile in particular would be shortened in due course. I told an old friend from high school that week that I knew it would be my turn next, and two weeks later my prediction came true.

Before my account was deleted, I managed 15 libertarian sites, had nearly 5,000 friend connections, and moderated six cryptocurrency groups. On Friday morning the account was completely deactivated and was unable to access my FB profile information.

Purge Today's Freedom Activists: Why Big Tech's Censorship Isn't Just Targeting Trump Supporters

Well, this editorial is not a complaint, but rather a documentation of what happened to demonstrate the fact that current big tech censorship is not just focused on Trump Conservatives, but literally anyone who has a dissenting opinion against the state . I wasn’t the only one cleaned up as a number of other like-minded people expressing dislike for the current oligarchic rule were also wiped off Facebook on Friday. Sterlin Lujan, a former contributor to news.Bitcoin.com, has also been removed from Facebook and, like my experience, we were not given a reason or chance to appeal the decision.

“I woke up in the morning and checked my Facebook page as always,” Lujan explained to me. “It was still active. I took a toilet break, sat back at the desk, and my account was logged off. I tried signing in again and my account was disabled for violating community standards. I tried to appeal the decision but received an automatic response that I couldn’t appeal my account. This is nothing new to me. I have had problems with Facebook censoring my pages and accounts for a number of years. In 2018 my Facebook page Psychologic-Anarchist was deleted. It had around 50,000 followers and I managed other sites that were also censored, ”Lujan added.

Purge Today's Freedom Activists: Why Big Tech's Censorship Isn't Just Targeting Trump Supporters

Lujan said a lot of people think that only “extremists” will get the ban hammer. But in reality anyone who supports free thinking and freedom is involved in their censorship campaigns. The libertarian also stressed that moderators and decision-makers of these social media platforms want people to be copies of each other, utter the same platitudes and happily discuss simple things like the weather.

“My personal feed was filled with discussions about freedom from government interference, the importance of privacy and cryptography, and the power of compassion and love to transform society into one that is more voluntary than coercion,” stressed Lujan. He added:

In that regard, I haven’t broken any community standards as they claimed. Of course, they didn’t bother to point out “wrongdoing”. Facebook and other big tech social media platforms are on a crusade to purge people who don’t support big government, political correctness, and communist mentality. It’s a tragedy, but what happens represents all of the scary things Orwell recorded in his 1984 book. We’re actually living in a much worse dystopian nightmare by comparison.

The ruling elite fears what we might say

Currently, the unrest in the United States is suppressed by censorship, and the whole principle of censorship is wrong and immoral. Experience led me to agree with Lujan’s opinion that this social system is swelling into a grotesque dystopian nightmare. One in which voices are regularly silenced because they speak freely and do not adhere to the propaganda of the nation-state.

For years, and just weeks before this event, I had written extensively about people migrating to decentralized social media. I still use Twitter, but have migrated my social media presence to places like Noise.Cash, Flote, Minds, Memo.Cash, Member.Cash, and Peepeth. This is the best I can do and what we can do. It will simply be rebuilt and migrated to decentralized social media that allow free expression and censorship-resistant discussions.

Purge Today's Freedom Activists: Why Big Tech's Censorship Isn't Just Targeting Trump Supporters

The worst thing about the current US censorship is the fact that the population (even friends and family) sit idly and watch everything without protest. Indeed, many become excuses for censorship and excuse those who instigate the oppression. Just like Lujan and the others who were purged, I wasn’t a Trump supporter and only talked about collective tyranny. Still, I was disappointed because I will never defy collective tyranny, and I made a promise to myself that I would uphold my principles.

My main goal is to let you, the reader, know that this big tech censorship is pretty real and fascism is thriving in the US. There is no doubt that this current censorship agenda will continue and freedom activists should be ready to fight it with the voice we still have. As Laurie Halse Anderson once said, “Censorship is the child of fear and the father of ignorance.”

What do you think of my experience with Facebook censorship? Let us know what you think on this matter in the comments section below.

Tags in this story

Anarcho-capitalism, Big Tech, Capitol Break, censorship, censorship, censorship, censorship, coercion, deplatforming, Donald Trump, elite, violence, free thinking, Jamie Redman, Larkin Rose, libertarian mindset, libertarianism, Lysander Spooner, Op / Ed, politician , Propaganda, social media, statism, Sterlin Lujan, Trump

Photo credit: Shutterstock, Pixabay, Wiki Commons, Twitter, Facebook,

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