As at 2019-10-06 average XRP price is 0.25525531 USD, 0.00003197 BTC, 0.00147749 ETH.
XRP XRP/USDT on Binance exchange is 0.25. The trading volume on Binance is 16501189.00.
At the same time XRP XRP/EUR on Kraken exchange is 0.25. The trading volume on Kraken is 2385272.00.
XRP XRP/BTC on Bitfinex exchange is 0.25. The trading volume on Bitfinex is 621780.00.
XRP XRP/USDT on KuCoin exchange is 0.25. The trading volume on KuCoin is 791471.00.
XRP XRP/BTC on Poloniex exchange is 0.25. The trading volume on Poloniex is 2063544.00.
It’s noteworthy that is issued into circulation XRP.
XRP average change within 24 hour is 1.02 against USD, 3.16 against BTC, 3.04 against ETH. Weekly report: 6.22 against USD, 6.96 against BTC, 4.09 against ETH. Monthly report: 1.38 against USD, 31.65 against BTC, 0.73 against ETH.
In this regard, 24 hour trading volume is 823307330.00532000 USD or 103116.89633516 BTC. At the same time XRP market capitalization is 11007051863 USD or $1378601 BTC.