As at 2019-08-20 average XRP price is 0.27371520 USD, 0.00002557 BTC, 0.00139398 ETH.
XRP XRP/USDT on BitAsset exchange is 0.27. The trading volume on BitAsset is 1385340.00.
At the same time XRP XRP/ETH on Birake exchange is 0.27. The trading volume on Birake is 3389.36.
XRP XRP/KRW on Bitsonic exchange is 0.28. The trading volume on Bitsonic is 7704.16.
XRP XRP/USD on Exrates exchange is 0.27. The trading volume on Exrates is 14232285.00.
XRP XRP/BTC on BTCNEXT exchange is 0.27. The trading volume on BTCNEXT is 2566112.00.
XRP average change within 24 hour is -1.4 against USD, -1.65 against BTC, -0.1 against ETH. Weekly report: -7.39 against USD, -5.4 against BTC, -1.69 against ETH. Monthly report: -16.38 against USD, -17.99 against BTC, -5.82 against ETH.
It’s noteworthy that is issued into circulation XRP.
In this regard, 24 hour trading volume is 946923906.25149000 USD or 88459.99156368 BTC. At the same time XRP market capitalization is 11739838811 USD or $1096715 BTC.