Welcome MinerGate xFast 1.5 — Official MinerGate Blog

MinerGate mining pool

Dear miners,

The MinerGate team works hard to bring you the best mining solutions and user-friendly services. When MinerGate becomes a multifunctional platform, our new users will be able to understand all mining processes faster and benefit from the latest technologies available to our seasoned miners.

MinerGate xFast Miner is a highly efficient and easy to use mining software that provides users with the highest hashrate compared to other mining devices. It’s front-line tech already, but we’ve decided to make it even better. XFast’s updates are the next level of mining being implemented to provide the best mining experience and future mass adoption.

This version offers the following features:

  • The Windows versions (NVIDIA + AMD / CPU) of GUI Miner and CLI are merged into one. This makes working with MinerGate more convenient for new users.
  • NVIDIA card bugs have been fixed, so nothing prevents users from mining effectively.
  • Push notifications for GUI Miner users. Such notifications notify miners of updates and product changes. Therefore, we will make information about MinerGate developments more inclusive and accessible.

The main goal of the MinerGate team is to provide users with the best possible mining products. We are sure that the updated version of 1.5 xFast Miner will have a significant impact on the future of crypto mining.

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